Three-dimensional deep tissue multiphoton frequency-domain fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy via phase multiplexing and adaptive optics


We propose and demonstrate a novel multiphoton frequency-domain fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (MPM-FD-FLIM) system that is able to generate 3D lifetime images in deep scattering tissues. The imaging speed of FD-FLIM is improved using phase multiplexing, where the fluorescence signal is split and mixed with the reference signal from the laser in a multiplexing manner. The system allows for easy generation of phasor plots, which not only address multi-exponential decay problems but also clearly represent the dynamics of the fluorophores being investigated. Lastly, a sensorless adaptive optics setup is used for FLIM imaging in deep scattering tissues. The capability of the system is demonstrated in fixed and living animal models, including mice and zebrafish.

SPIE Photonics West 2019, San Francisco, California USA

JenLab Young Investigator Award

Yide Zhang
Yide Zhang
Postdoctoral Fellow

My research is interdisciplinary and focused on developing new types of optical imaging techniques that could advance the work of other researchers and medical personnel in a wide variety of fields. Currently, I am developing next-generation photoacoustic and ultrafast imaging techniques that can observe biological and physical phenomena that are too fast to be imaged with existing methods. The observation of the ultrafast phenomena could provide a better understanding of the fundamentals of life and physical sciences. I am also developing novel quantum imaging approaches that can investigate biological organisms with an imaging performance that cannot be achieved using classical optical imaging. In my free time, I enjoy cooking, hiking, cycling, and traveling.

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